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Beata Soroko

I have been working with skin for the past 15 years, focusing on non invasive, results driven treatments that truly slow down the ageing process, treat and prevent acne, and balance hormonal issues. Great skin is my passion and goal in life.

Since the age of 13, I have had skin problems and this has been pivotal in relating to my clients and developing skincare solutions. It started with acne, I was recommended lots of products which, not only didn’t work but caused sensitivity and redness. I became very self conscious. When I consider this now, this was the start of my journey with skin. I became my own teacher and began researching into healing my skin.

This developed into my career choice and I decided to study Cosmetology with my specialist module being skin. I trained extensively at one of the best skin colleges in Poland, and my time there was invaluable – it gave me fantastic theory foundation - knowledge and understanding of skin.

So, back to my story….having got my own skin under control in my 30s, I then became pregnant, which threw up a whole host of new problems! I developed Melasma (pigmentation of the skin from over active hormones) and from sleepless nights, my skin began ageing prematurely, it became dehydrated and with a noticeable loss of elasticity.

I applied my knowledge again, devising my Own Skincare programme, and it worked! With much relief, my skin recovered rapidly and I was able to come back to a skin that I felt happy with. I have added these treatments to my “Mums to be” menu, and I’m thrilled to say it has multiple success stories.

On reflection and through years of experience, I know that only a few people are lucky enough to have naturally good skin, and for the rest of us it takes work. It’s about lifestyle, diet and how we look after our skin, in order to reach the best possible result.

I must conclude my reasons for describing my own issues are to convey empathy. I do understand how it feels to have flawed skin.

Furthermore, if you haven’t experienced something personally, it’s difficult to really know what actually works but I can assure you I do, I’ve been there and yes, there is a way to make YOU feel comfortable in your own skin! My mission is to get my clients skin at its optimum level and from there build confidence and generate well being. If you ‘feel good in your skin’ your approach to life is more positive.

I am also constantly keeping up to date with the very latest technology and research with skin science. I use cutting-edge products and equipment which allows me to provide my clients with the most advanced, results driven skin treatments available. To conclude, the products and bespoke skin programmes will truly change the skin from the inside out.